Monday, February 5, 2018

             The Great Anti-Clockwise Twisty-Tie Crusade

In my quest for quirky retirement activities, I've come across a small group of individuals who believe as I do, that all twisty- ties on bread, bun, and bagel packaging, have been improperly installed for the past sixty years.

It all started back in '58.  Several of the major bread companies got together and developed a standard still adhered to today; that of placing twisty-ties on bread, bun, and bagel packaging with a clockwise rotation twist.  This means that opening a loaf of bread, buns, or bagels, would require turning the twisty-tie to the left, or counterclockwise.

We think this is backward and regressive.

Call us bohemians if you must, but our small group believes that a higher power, i.e., the great Master Baker, originally ordained twisty-ties be removed from bread, bun, or bagel packaging by turning the twisty tie to the right in a clockwise direction instead of counterclockwise, but the ordaining was systematically ignored.

Our group, the Anti Clockwise Twisty-Tie Federation of North America, meet once a month, car-pool it on down to Kroger, Wal-Mart, or Publix and congregate in the bread department.

Inconspicuously, we each grab a loaf of bread, buns, or bagels, undo the twisty-ties halfway, cross the two ties over each other, then coil them back in the opposite direction.

We then, nonchalantly, move on to the next store, and the next, and the next.  Our goal is to cause enough consumer annoyance as to eventually effect change in the packaging of loaf bread, buns, and bagel products.

If you have ever had a conniption fit trying to remove the twisty-tie on bread, buns, or bagel packaging, you've experienced our handiwork.

Rise up.

Join us.

We knead you.

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